Fueled by recent shallow-water drilling successes, the industry demands new solutions to tackle marginal field development. Traditional fixed platforms are no longer sufficient due to limitations in cost, earthquake/decommissioning risks, schedule delays, and relocatability. Mineering addresses these challenges with its MCT (Multi-Column Tension Leg Platform) solution. This innovative platform combines proven deep-water technologies (TLP and Cell Spar) with proprietary advancements to create an evolutionary leap for shallow-water development. Patented by Petroneering and endorsed by industry legend Mr. Ed Horton (inventor of Spar and TLP), the MCT offers a commercially viable solution to unlock previously uneconomical fields.
The MCT platform is a versatile solution applicable for drilling, production, and utility purposes. Compared to traditional fixed platforms, the MCT offers a compelling value proposition. It delivers superior cost efficiency, faster project delivery, streamlined fabrication methods, simpler engineering requirements, and exceptional global performance. But the McT’s true strength lies in its relocatability, a feature that unlocks the potential of previously uneconomical shallow-water fields, acting as a catalyst for propelling growth in oil and gas exploration.